Shaun Jardine, Big Yellow Penguin
Encouraging businesses to adopt ‘carte blanche to change’
Shaun Jardine, Director of Big Yellow Penguin, is unashamedly and unapologetically a disruptor.
As a solicitor, commercial director, and former law firm CEO of a top 250 law firm, he has a unique insight into what makes law firms tick and how to exploit the good bits and ditch the bad.
Shaun’s mantra is “what you do today, will determine your tomorrow.’ Shaun founded Big Yellow Penguin (BYP) in 2021 with the aim of encouraging and helping lawyers and law firms to move on from the 20th century and adopt practices, including value pricing, which will make their futures more secure, both financially and operationally, and enjoy practising their craft again. To contact Shaun or to read more, visit his website, here.